

lovebet体育中心位于德克萨斯州佩科斯,也就是里夫斯县的县城. 佩科斯的第一家医院是由. Jim Camp in his home before 1920 and later moved his Hospital to an old building in town. 他又一次把医院搬到了东佩科斯的旧监狱大楼.

12月. 1, 1929, Dr. 坎普和他的儿子坎普博士. 希拉德营地开设了他们新建的医院,位于1613 W. 5日圣. 这家医院有十间单人房, 四个病房, 产科病房, 现代化的手术室, 医生的办公室, 接待区, 和洗衣. Dr. 坎普一直保持着积极的实践,直到他于1月10日去世. 12, 1964.

The first county hospital was proposed when the County Commissioners’ Court passed a resolution on Sept. 1927年6月16日,呼吁举行选举,批准一项4万美元的医院债券提案. 选举于12月11日举行. 1927年10月10日,债券发行未获批准. The following activities on this issue took place when the County Commissioners met on March 18, 1953, 并呼吁在4月4日举行选举, 1953, 批准或不批准400美元的发行,因为"为里夫斯县提供额外的医院设施.债券发行通过了, 以及新医院的正式开业, 位于达格特700号, 于十二月举行. 12, 1954. 这第一所县医院有33张床位, 完整的外科, 产科病房, 托儿所, 实验室, 放射学, 以及所有的支持领域. Dudley Cooksey was County Judge; Halla H. 布赖恩,多萝西摩尔凯利,汤姆J. Cargill and Tatum Eisenwine were County Commissioners; Milton Ramsour was Hospital Administrator, Maude Cooze was Director of Nurses; Dr. 埃德·施密特(Ed Schmidt)是医疗部门的负责人.T. LaBaume是医院管理委员会主席. 医院的第一个病人是埃米特·钱皮恩. 约翰·保罗·邓恩. 在医院出生的第一个婴儿是胡安妮塔·安孔多,她是由医生接生的. 哈罗德·林德利.

在他们2月11日的会议上. 1975年2月24日,县委员呼吁举行选举,批准3美元.500万美元的债券将用于建造一所新的县医院. 选举于3月22日举行, 1975年,结果于3月25日获得批准, 1975, 发现债券发行已获批准. 位于德克萨斯州2323号的新医院正式落成典礼于2月11日星期日举行. 1978年3月6日,医院被占领. 这家新医院可容纳62张病床, 完善的外科和产科服务, 托儿所, 加护病房, 实验室, 放射学, 药店, 呼吸治疗, 物理治疗, 饮食, 接待区, 礼品商店, 以及所有其他支持服务. There were 40 private rooms, 10 semi-private rooms, and 2 Intensive/Coronary Care beds. H.D. 达雷尔·格洛弗在这个项目开始时是县法官.O. 比尔·皮格曼在医院落成时担任县法官. 小马科斯·马丁内斯.,温德尔·福克纳,戴尔·图恩,伊斯梅尔·L. 卡拉斯科和塞西尔·科特伦是县专员. Joel Daniel was Chairman of the Hospital Board of Managers and other members were George Vasquez, 迈克赤裸裸的, 杰西·布什, 迪克·帕蒂洛和吉姆·兰金. J.E. Langloys was Hospital Administrator, Daniel Judkins, RN, was Director of Nursing 服务, and Dr. 布鲁斯·海是医务人员的主席. 医务人员中的其他医生是W.J. 爆炸,.C. Briere J.M. Chuong C.S. 李,哈罗德·林德利和埃德·施密特. 医务人员中的牙医是W医生.V. 克莱登农和大卫·洛维特. The first patient admitted to the new Hospital was Aurelia Martinez was admitted by Dr. C.S. 李. 在新医院出生的第一个婴儿是约翰尼·乔·巴博萨. J.M. 郑梦准出生于1978年3月6日.

The Hospital was leased to and managed by the Southwest Adventists Health 服务 from its opening on March 6, 1978, 截止到3月31日, 1987, when the lease was terminated by mutual agreement between the Adventist System and the County Commissioners. 在考虑了几个选择之后, the County Commissioners voted to enter into a three-year full-service management contract with Hospital Corporation of America Management Company, 总部设在纳什维尔, 田纳西州. 麦克·马洛伊,fort Pecos县纪念医院的行政长官. 斯托克顿,德克萨斯州,担任代理管理员,直到拉尔夫K. 内夫, 他是甜水市滚动平原纪念医院的行政主管, 德州, 于6月21日抵达,担任临时管理人.

Ron Patterson arrived in August 1987 to serve as the full-time administrator for HCA. 在他到达后不久, the County Commissioners began discussing closing the Hospital due to the county’s financial strain. Patterson and the hospital employees led the way to the Hospital becoming a hospital district – a political subdivision of the State of 德州. 11月11日举行了选举. 1989年11月4日和11月11日. 13, 1989, 里夫斯县医院成为里夫斯县医院区, 由里夫斯县的纳税人资助. HCA于1991年更名为Quorum,与Quorum的合同于1995年11月结束. 11月. 27, 1995, Methodist (Covenant) took over the Hospital District’s management until October 2000.

从2000年10月到2003年4月,医院区由CRM管理. 罗伯特·弗诺自5月1日起担任管理人, 2001, 直到7月2日, 2004, during which time the CRM contract was canceled and Vernor was hired directly by the Hospital District’s 董事会. 在此期间, the 董事会 voted to move forward with an $8 million expansion and renovation project that included a new and much needed larger Emergency Department and the relocation of the 里夫斯地区农村卫生诊所, 专业诊所, 及物理治疗科. 它还包括一个新的15站肾透析设施. 2004年4月15日举行了盛大的开幕式.

January 2007 brought another new Administrator/CEO to the Hospital District – Albert LaRochelle. 维持医院区的财务健全, 几个管理目标很快建立起来, 优先, 然后开始行动, 从招聘合格的医疗保健专业人员开始. When LaRochelle arrived, he found the Hospital District in a critical physician shortage. 在社区的四位初级保健医生中, two had relocated to metropolitan areas and a third had just been diagnosed with cancer leaving only one full-time Internal Medicine physician and one Physician Assistant carrying the load for all of Reeves County and adjacent West 德州 communities. 2007年9月, the Nephrologist that had been in place for the renal dialysis facility since it opened three years earlier had to leave due to family visa issues.

对于接下来的2.5年, 进行了密集的招聘工作, 结果招募了6名医生, 包括三个产科的家庭诊所, 二、内科, 还有一位肾病专家. 另一位医师助理, 两名物理治疗师, 超声技术员, 还招募了一名营养师. 截至2012年, 另外两名医师助理, 妇产科医生, 另外还增加了两名理疗师.

获得急诊医院的称号是另一个直接目标. 自20世纪80年代早期DRGs(与诊断相关的分组)开始以来, 哪项规定医院每次入院可获发还款项的数额, the Hospital’s daily census dropped significantly from as high as 44 patients per day to below 10. 以最大限度地提高其收到的报销金额, 9月19日,医院区成为危重通道医院, 2007. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, the Hospital District began receiving 101% reimbursement of allowable costs from its proportion of Medicare and Medicaid patients versus the lesser reimbursement under DRGs as a CAH. 获得许可的床位数量必须从49张减少到25张.

Additional management goals that have been met include reducing accounts receivable to 60 days or less, 预防性维护计划, 并根据病人的需要来安排员工.

Three goals that were a priority were met through the passage of a bond election held on May 9, 2009. 历史上第一次, the Hospital District requested a bond election and received the support of the voters to fund 5.6400万美元,包括4美元,700,20美元换000美元,417平方英尺的农村卫生诊所,最多可容纳12名医务人员, $403,买一台新的16相CT机, 和537美元,000.00美元用于配备电子医疗记录的新计算机系统。.

Another goal that was accomplished was obtaining a new telephone system that has the capability to serve both the Hospital and the 里夫斯地区农村卫生诊所 on the same system.

Other goals include making the dialysis department more cost effective either on or off campus, 确保医院周围的土地以满足未来扩建的需要, 减少非税收支持债务, creating programs for mammography services and for decreasing non-emergency care in the Emergency Department, 并为原来的医院获得一个新的屋顶.

Reeves County Hospital District is in a designated rural and frontier county and is also designated as a 医疗ly Underserved Area (MUA) and a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). 因为我们是一个非常农村的社区,有很多贫困人口, providing more healthcare services and providers at the local level greatly reduces the burden of travel for many of our residents who otherwise might not receive the care they need.

2011年7月,新的里夫斯地区农村卫生诊所开业了. The rural health clinic accommodates all healthcare providers employed under the umbrella of the Hospital District in one location has ultimately increased the community’s access to quality primary healthcare at a price the community can afford by maximizing reimbursement, 精简成本, 提供社区健康教育, 以及招聘和留住合格的医疗保健提供者.

截至2013年底, 农村卫生所有12名提供者:4名家庭诊所/产科医生, 1的外科医生, 1肾脏, 1妇产医院, 2医师助理, 及3名执业护士. In 2014 a certified diabetes educator was also added to the rural health clinic to implement a diabetes education program. The end of 2013 also brought a new mammography machine and a new mammography technician.

In 2019, 医院区破土动工兴建了一个可容纳140多人的替代设施,000平方英尺的空间来容纳综合医院设施, 扩大了核心业务空间, 包括更广泛的急诊部门和升级的技术. The new campus will also be in better compliance with requirements for disabled patients and visitors. The 24-month project is expected to wrap up with the replacement hospital opening in Spring 2022.